

The purpose of this document is to provide instructions on altering the automatic boot selection to PC-Doctor DOS diagnostics when booting from the Multipurpose USB Device (MUD).


  1. Insert the PC-Doctor Service Center MUD into a Windows machine. This will allow you to access the configuration files on the device.
  2. Open the MUD and navigate to the \isolinux directory within Windows Explorer and select the following files, right click and select ‘edit’ using a text editor:


    Note: You may use any text editor you wish, Notepad++ was used by PC-Doctor to create this set of instructions.
  3. Upon opening each of these files locate the 'ontimeout' value and alter the statement after it to include 'dos_boot' in each of the files specified above. Once completed the files should read "ontimeout dos_boot" (without the quotations) as depicted below:
    Upon saving the changes, this modification will have the DOS diagnostics launch upon timeout. If you wish to alter timeout value, please see the knowledgebase article here Change Timeout Values

Additional Information

Note: Should the USB device need to be restored these modifications will not carry over. They will have to be manually implemented once again.