1. To use the latest Toolbox Remote Account features you will first need to confirm you have registered for an account at https://pcdtoolbox.com/ (as shown below).

  2. Once the account gets created and you’ve logged in, this will bring up the homepage. As shown in the picture below, there are no devices connected. To add a device, click on “Connect Device”.

  3. Next, it will prompt for device name and information for the device type. An example is provided below. Once all information is inserted, click on “Connect”.

  4. The “Connect Device” option will provide a device token that will need to be entered on the computer that has Toolbox for Windows installed. Copy the provided token and click “OK”.

  5. Now that there is a device token established, the page will show that it’s waiting on a connection. From within the device that is running Toolbox for Windows, the user will need to enter the provided token. First, they will need to select “Remote Status: Not Connected” from the Toolbox home screen.

  6. Next, it will present the prompt to enter the device token that was previously generated.

  7. Enter the device token and it will turn green to confirm that a connection was established.

  8. The Toolbox main homepage should now display “Remote Status: Connected”.

  9. The homepage will display the active connection and you have now successfully connected a device to your PC-Doctor Toolbox Remote account!